Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Things I have been watching/loving/doing/not doing:

1) SIX FEET UNDER--For the second time! Profound, inspiring, my favorite television show of all time. THAT'S BEATING OUT ALL OF MY FAVORITE 90s / EARLY 2000 TV SHOWS.

2) HBO Digitals---The Boring Life of Jacquelyn--My new favorite thing. I am LOVING the attention that the mundane/sad/lonely/needy/quiet desperation part of life is getting these days. This show, each episode being 15 minutes, is about the life of Jacquelyn--a very low functioning New York actress, who spends her days looking for auditions on Craigslist, making two item to do lists, and fantasizing about having friends/sex.  It's clear that she is supported by her parents, because she doesn't have a job and has the ability to buy sandals and Cocoa puffs and other luxury goods.  When her parents tell her she needs to "get realistic" she says, "FINE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SUPPORT ME AND MY PASSION THEN JUST SAY IT!"  It's unclear what her passion is, as she just seems to want to "make it" and "be famous."  I feel for Jacquelyn, and I think that she is a very heightened version of all of us--the parts of us that are lonely, lazy, insecure, confused, and scared.  Jacquelyn's life is the distillation of how we feel when we are having shitty days where we feel like lazy pieces of garbage, but at the same time we're hopeful that something good will happen--even the smallest thing--like a surprising phone call or a spark of creative inspiration.  The show put's her under a microscope and we get to see the parts of ourselves that we don't share with anyone reflected in her -it's SO MUNDANE and thus brilliant and I LOVE IT. I read an interview with the creator of the show, Sebastian Silva, and what he said about the show was....

CVF What’s the thing with HBO?
SS A comedy series with ten episodes. It’s called The Boring Life of Jacqueline. It’s a very accurate portrait of how people in my generation and younger live nowadays, especially with the social networks on the Internet, and how connected they feel but how disconnected they really are from everybody. I didn’t write it intentionally as social or political critique. I’m not political; that’s never my first intention. It was rather me feeling like Jacqueline. It’s like walking down Broadway with nothing to do and going inside a shoe store and trying on shoes that you weren’t even going to buy. You look at yourself in the mirror and you’re like, You suck. (laughter) What the fuck are you doing with your life? It’s more about those moments when you’re being really pathetic. Just the sad miserable shit that nobody shares, but everybody goes through. It’s a misery-exploitation series.

YES! Can we all talk about how we're feeling when we're being pathetic? And then validate the shit out of each other?

SINGLE LONG: Another HBO Digital Series. This one is based in Chicago and deals with people my age being single and doing comedy. YEAH!!

4) (I think I'm at four. Too lazy to scroll up and check.) AVOCADOS! So tasty. So sensual. 
6)  READING IS GREAT!! I am currently reading and loving Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I recently read IRONICALLY (which means I read it not because I wanted to out of interest, but I wanted to have my thumb on the pulse of humanity)  the biggest piece of garbage, 50 Shades of Gray (Gray? Grey? Gray? Grey?) and I have things to say about it, which I will touch on in a future post.
7) My mom has been making a lot of corn salads lately, and she's loving roasted brussell sprouts! She tells me this via phone because she lives in New York, and it makes me miss her.  My mom LOVES to tell me IN GREAT DETAIL everything she's been cooking: what spawned her interest in ___ (insert ingredient), where she went to get said ingredient (usually Fairway on 125th Street), how she cooked it, how it tasted, how much my dad liked it/hated it. When you love someone you get the pleasure of loving every part of them, including when your mom spends upwards of 20 minutes telling you about the puttanesca sauce she made last week. MOMS! LOVE THEM!
Was that enough mundane stuff for you guys?? WATCH THE THINGS I TOLD YOU ABOUT YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT.