Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Reflections by Rhonda Winterstern

HI GUYZ!  A friend of mine, Rhonda Winterstern, is a feminist potter who is the owner of Kiln Me Softly, a pottery studio that I go to when I am in need of feminine energy and creative, sensual expression.  Rhonda doesn't use the internet, so she called me up and asked me if I would transcribe and post here her Thanksgiving Message.  So here it is!

"Good day, world!  I am delighted to be sharing with the internet my musings and thoughts as we bid adieu to Thanksgiving, the autumnal holiday of gratitude.  My own Thanksgiving was powerful, delightful, and rich with thanks givings.  In homage to the founders of our America, Gwen (my partner) and I took part in our annual Native American Thanksgiving Ritual.  I am sure you are very curious about just what we do during our Native American Thanksgiving Ritual, so I will provide you with all details so that perhaps you will have your own NATR next year.
In August, Gwen and I begin collecting various accoutrements for our Woodland Indian Festivus, such as twigs, logs, leaves and mosses. (NOTE: We use ONLY natural pieces that have fallen to ground on their own time)  Once all of the items have been collected, we begin the construction of our wigwam.  **It is important to be dressed for natural construction, so we choose to wear our favorite vegan shoes by KEEN.  We also make sure to fuel our bodies for physical activity, so Gwen, who is quite the chef, made for us a bountiful spread of Quinoa, roasted pumpkin seeds, a lovely minted tahini, and an exquisite saffron Butternut Squash bisque.  Together we blessed the meal with a sage burning ritual, and sat down with love and gratitude and enjoyed our plant based meal.  
We then fastened our compound tools to our loosely slung hemp tool belts and began to...oh, please hold on one brief moment."**At this point in the conversation Rhon put me on hold for 7 minutes.  She returned.
"Yes, I am so sorry.  Our dear friend Obsidian is having a kiln emergency.  She had set her kiln to 478 Degrees Fahrenheit, which is five degrees over the limit set by The UKAA (The United Kiln Association of America), and all of her holiday pottery has crumbled.  Gwen and I must go out once to hold a Women's Circle of Peace. A bientot!"

Sorry guys.  I will post the rest of Rhon's Thanksgiving Message when she calls me back. K thanks bye!

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